Texas Drought

Tough times for cattlemen in Texas right now. We have been though droughts before, and we will get through this one. What worries me more right now is inflation. Americans need to ramp up production. Selling new products is how to beat inflation. Depletion of current and long-term assets is not the answer. It will be a happy day when US Companies produce their own parts and quit relying on third market suppliers and all of the supply chain issues. The US is too dependent on products produced in other countries due to the advantages those countries have like cheap labor and less regulations. That is fine except for the fact that the US no longer produces enough of what we need. We are now dependent on others and living off debt. This pattern will not end well for the US. Some production is coming back to the US, and I say, “Keep it up!” Don’t print more money, earn it. The best way to earn money is by producing a product that is in demand.

Brett Bickham